Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Monarch Butterflies

 Monarch Butterflies

Deep in the forest of Mexico,
an internal clock wakes

the fairies from a winter's nap.
Monarch butterflies savor

the sunrays ricocheting
through a timbered choir.

Slowly, the magic unfolds,
a thousand wings flutter

like fans on the wind.
Butterflies lunge upward

soaring as an orange cloud
northward through the azure skies.
              --Brenda Kay Ledford

I watched the NBC TV series, "The Americas," narrated by Tom Hanks, and was fascinated by the photographs of the Monarch butterflies awaking from hibernation to make their long journey back to the North.  If you haven't seen this series, it appears on NBC on Sunday evening at 7:00 PM EST. I think you would enjoy this beautiful series on the Americas. Nature is truly amazing!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Happy Poems


Sunshine breaks through the clouds,
the robins relish this day,
a cheerful greeting.

Lesley was a Bliss,
she sparkles with happiness,
my beautiful niece.

The thrill of desserts,
enjoy the simple pleasures,
chocolate chip cookies.

The delight of kids,
their cheerful laughter playing,
the tulips bursting forth.

Gladness in my heart,
humor is my medicine,
dry bones live again.
             --Brenda Kay Ledford

Wishing blessings and joy to all of my blogger friends!

Thursday, January 16, 2025


 An Arctic Blast socks
the Southeast, wildfires
consume the "City of Angels."

On the coldest day
of winter, an amaryllis
bursts forth in my kitchen.

Divine order of the universe
is turned upside down,
Mother Nature confused.

When the frost sparkles
like gems on needle-like-grass,
a blood-red flower shoots

from a bulb reposing on gravel,
and lifts a cup of grape juice
to toast the golden light.
          --Brenda Kay Ledford

I hope my blogger friends are staying warm and safe.

I am enjoying my amaryllis blooming in my kitchen. On a cold, snowy day, I sip a cup of hot apple cider, gaze at the beautiful flower and count my blessings.

  May we remember our neighbors in California who have lost their homes due to the wildfires.  One man who was a resident of our county, lives in California.  The fire is now five miles from his home.  May we remember Greg and thousands of other people who have lost their homes.  Also, please keep the firefighters, National Guard members, and first responders in our thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Happy New Year


Nobody knows what the new year will hold, but I choose to face 2025 with hope and faith in my heart that according to the Holy Bible, "All things work together for good to those who love the Lord."

I was blessed in 2024. I faced some trouble, some disappointments, some sickness, but through it all; I was never alone.  The Lord brought me through.  We discussed in our Sunday school class on Sunday if anyone had made any resolutions for 2025.

Every person in our class reflected that they just wanted to be kind to people, spread a little love in this sometimes very harsh world.  This is my desire, too.  I think if everyone did his or her part spreading kindness, it would be a better place to live.

So what are my plans for New Year's Day?  First of all, a little country church in my community holds a watch service.  This is an old time mountain tradition where people gather on New Year's Eve at the church.  They hold a singing, prayer meeting, until midnight.  They herald the new year praying and giving thanks for another year.  Then we gather in the fellowship hall for refreshments.  This is a joyful celebration and faith that God will be with us and take care of us no matter what we may face in 2025.

On New Year's Day I plan to have the traditional meal:  collard greens, corn bread, and black-eyed peas.  Some folks include hog jaw with their celebration.  The old saying goes black-eyed peas represent round coins, collard greens bring paper money, and cornbread brings gold.  Most folks wouldn't take a chance messing up any dreams of good fortune for the new year.  As for myself, I could just take the cornbread and a glass of ice cold buttermilk.

However you choose to observe New Year's Day, I wish all my blogger friends a:

          Joyful &

Blessed New Year

Friday, December 20, 2024

Jolly Librarian Technician

 Our wonderful computer technician at Moss Memorial Library delights the patrons with his fantastic festive costumes at Christmas.  He's original and fills our local library with jolly, holly, celebrations.  I just go to the library often during the holidays to see what wonderful costume he's wearing.  Ben is a brilliant young man who is very creative and makes the season merry and bright!

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Light of the World

 The Star of Bethlehem shone
over the nativity scene,
the little Lord Jesus was
born on a cold winter's night.

The Son of God 
left the portals of heaven
to bring light and love
to the souls of weary ones.

Doubts and fears cease
at the foot of the cross,
Christ was born to die
and to redeem the lost.

He gives hope to troubled hearts.
And as the hosts of heaven
sing praises to the
King of Kings, eternal

light shines in the land
where there is no night.
Rejoice with the angelic beings,
our Savior has come to earth.
            --Brenda Kay Ledford

I wish all my blogger friends: 

A Blessed Christmas and Joyful New Year!

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

A Mountain Christmas

 Blanche and her siblings walked miles from the head of the Trout Cove over a dirt road to Ogden School in the 1930s.  The Blue Ridge Mountains were locked in the jaws of the Great Depression.

Mrs. Lucy Hyatt was Blanche's teacher.  She decided her students would have a happy holiday.  "Who wants to make paper chains to decorate our classroom?" she asked.  The students clapped their hands and rushed to the worktable.  They cut strips from construction paper and pasted them together.

The teacher also asked if anyone would like to help the janitor cut a cedar in the woods.  Blanche and her brother, George, volunteered.  They selected a white pine and dragged it into the classroom.  The pupils made decorations for the Christmas tree.  For several days they cut bells, stars, and ornaments.  Some children brought silver foil from chewing gum wrappers to design an angel to top the tree.  They threaded strings of popcorn and put them on the tree.

While the kids made decorations, Mrs. Hyatt made hot cocoa on the pot-bellied woodstove that stood in the middle of the room.  She poured cans of Carnation condensed milk, water, sugar, and cocoa into a pan.  The teacher baked gingerbread and served it to the students with the drink.  The children loved the treats.

A highlight of the holiday celebration was a program given by the John C. Campbell Folk School.  Danish dancers and musicians entertained the mountain children.  Blanche enjoyed the lively show that introduced her to the arts and culture.

Although times were hard during the Great Depression, one dedicated teacher brought a lot of joy into the lives of her students.  She was a God Send during the time when many kids wouldn't have much for Christmas.  This is a true story about my mother, Blanche.

by:  Brenda Kay Ledford

I wish all my blogger friends:

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Monarch Butterflies

 Monarch Butterflies Deep in the forest of Mexico, an internal clock wakes the fairies from a winter's nap. Monarch butterflies savor th...